5 Tips to boost the productivity of Your Digital Marketing Agency

 Want to boost the productivity of your Digital Marketing Agency? Minimize the other tabs, put down the cell phone, and read.

What’s that? Of course – you are busy and lacking time. You are working on a deadline to deliver your project or proposal. If that is the case, then you need this blog more than you know.

Because you think that by performing more than one task at a single instance, you are doing more for your advertising agency faster. But, actually, the truth is that you are not. Research has proven that humans were not meant for focusing on two mental tasks at a single instance.

A study has proved that, if you work more simultaneously on then this will be resulting in: Twice as many errors, a 40% loss in productivity, and it takes double time to complete a project.

But to whom you will blame for your trying?? After all, you have a tight schedule because that proposal needs to be sent to the client before lunchtime, the call is in half an hour, and your second half is also almost the same hectic.

To help you with that, we have compiled quick marketing hacks into the following tips to be used when things get over busy.

Tip.1- Eat a live frog every morning:

According to Mark Twain, “ if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long”.

(Please Don’t try to eat the Frog because here “Frog” refers to your biggest, most important task, the one you are most likely to procrastinate on if you don’t do something about it. It is also the one task that can have the greatest positive impact on your life and results at the moment.)

He states that if you want to make your whole day more productive, then you should do the most intimidating, an important task at first in the morning. And such thinking has been proved by science. Studies have shown that we have higher willpower, self-control, and focus in the first three hours after we wake up. 

Scientifically your morning time is much precious, so do not waste it by sitting idle or replying to emails. Sit down at your desk and imagine if you are leaving the office feeling accomplished at the end of the day. What’s the most significant thing you got done?

That is the frog you need to eat.

Tip.2- Try Stand-up Meetings

According to research, it is found that the people who attend the meetings spend more unproductive hours sitting. On a general note, you waste your 31 unproductive hours in a month by sitting in conferences, meetings. Imagine what could you done with that spare time.

Instead of holding a round table discussion the next time you are in the conference room, try stand-up meetings, as many people did it with their staff. You may find that it saves enormous amounts of time.

Moreover, as an additional tip to speed them up even more:

Pass around a medicine ball to each speaker. When he starts feeling it heavily, it’s time to hand it off.

Tip.3- Do not think much

Research shows that a human brain has an area named “Prefrontal Cortex” which is primarily responsible for creative problem-solving. “If you think more, definitely you tire more”.

The Idea for Do not think much- Don’t do anything- allows you to absorb and integrate information from all around the world related to the technology. And it will give you a new corner to boost the odds, you can come back and solve it quickly.

So, a 10-30 minute rest given to your brain every day will improve your performance from before (try meditation or Yoga). And You will be able to tackle that creative brief once you do for your Marketing Agency.

Tip.4- Reproduce Content

Some of your followers listen to your content using podcasts, some watch your videos on YouTube or other available media options, and others prefer content as their daily dose in blog post form. So, ideally, you would create something original for all of them, if time allowed. But unfortunately, it never does.

So, instead of making something fresh & new for each group, use one original idea and split it into several contents.

Once you are over from thinking about what you need to create something original for each of your buyers, you actually will have enough time to please everybody.

Tip.5- Request others for Guest Blog posts

Currently, your website design agency writers are working for your clients and they do not have enough time in their schedule to write content for the agency blog next week. So, how will you keep a consistent flow of content?

It’s so simple, invite some guest bloggers into your content calendar. A short blog post titled “Calling guest bloggers” and a few emails to some industry contacts, is likely to boost the chances for you to get someone interested to publish content on your blog.

In recent trends, many agencies still jump to the opportunity to grab it and expand their reach to another audience. To take some pressure off your in-house writers, explain why that audience should be yours.


Have you hired an agency for your design & advertising needs yet? Contact DDW for a quote today and find out more.


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